Just an update here.
While I was mowing grass on Saturday, my tractor broke down - fortunately, it was easily fixed and it's fine. However, as I was walking into the house, apparently a honey bee decided that it didn't like me walking through the clover in the back yard. It proceeded to sting me on the lower part of my leg. This is always a concern since I'm allergic to bee stings. I took two Benadryl capsules and went back to work. Throughout the day on Sunday and Monday the spot on my leg continued to alternate between itching and just plain hurting!
By the time I got home from work Monday evening, I had a dark red spot about 2 by 3 inches on the side of my leg. Dad & Mom decided that it needed to be checked out. The doctor wasn't in and wouldn't be for a couple days, so Dad and I headed for the hospital Emergency Room.
I ended up being there for a little under two hours, after which I had to go get two prescriptions - one for an antibiotic and one for an anti-inflammatory drug.
The final diagnosis was that it wasn't an allergic reaction to the bee sting, but that it somehow got infected.
Fortunately, it hasn't been too bad today and it's starting to look better, and I'm thankful for both of those.
Just another interesting couple of days!
Thanks For Dropping In!
You should bee more careful next time....
I'm allergic to bees, as well. I discovered that after mowing over a ground bee nest several years ago. I'm starting to swell up just thinking about it!
Sorry to hear you had a "bad day"...
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