Sunday, November 09, 2008

Revival Services!

As you may recall if you read The Happy Pastor blog, we have been having Revival Services this week at our church with Rev. Robert Thornton.
The attendance hasn't been too bad - some that we thought would be here haven't been (there was one individual - a fellow blogger - who Dad made sure got one of the Revival cards, but we haven't seen him either), but we have had quite a few visiting folk in, so we've been thankful for that.
Thanks For Dropping In!

1 comment:

tim said... the mighty have fallen:) looks like some backtracking is in order. can't wait to see how you get out of this one.

seriously, we enjoyed our visit, as always. the girls are talking about a handsome, young, tall fellow there, that they like alot and who gives them attention. oh, how fickle these girls are, can't take them anywhere.